Yes unfortunately AutoCAD for MAC still has a little bit of catchup to do when it comes to that just additional piece of power or advantage that you get out of an AutoCAD command.Most of the keyboard shortcuts defined in AutoCAD for Mac (and AutoCAD LT for Mac) are the same as the standard hotkeys in AutoCAD for Windows (see the overview). To see and customize your keyboard shortcuts, go to the Parallels Desktop menu in the top Mac menu bar, choose Parallels Desktop Preferences Shortcuts, and select your VM from the list. For example, to use Command-C (copy), press and hold the Command key, then the C key, then release both keys. One-key shortcuts, toggles and screen management, and A-Z commands for AutoCAD LT. They grasped the concepts quite quickly as they were a smart bunch of guys and girls and then I started having to use terms like…so that is what AutoCAD for MAC can do and if you were on AutoCAD for PC you could do just a little bit extra. That way, if you’re used to pressing Cmd+C to copy text in Mac OS X, you don’t have to switch to the Windows equivalent, Ctrl+C. How do I use keyboard shortcuts on a Mac To use a keyboard shortcut, press and hold one or more modifier keys and then press the last key of the shortcut. Download and Print Shortcut Keys and Command Reference Guides for your Favorite Autodesk Software Including Autocad, Maya, and Inventor. Minimizing (or Docking) the front app window: Command + M. What are the best Mac keyboard shortcuts 1. List of AutoCAD commands Ctrl + F Toggle running object snaps Ctrl + I, Toggle coords E Remove objects from a drawing x, Breaks down a compound object J. So I started teaching my students in the essentials. 6 Is AutoCAD free for Mac 7 How do I change Autocad shortcut keys 8 What are the shortcut symbols on a Mac 9 What are the shortcut keys on a Mac. So armed with my knowledge of shortcut keys and my new found appreciation of the old interface I embarked on a journey that would open my eyes to the old days when there was not as much functionality in AutoCAD as there is today. So for the interface I switched over to the good old classic view (not available in AutoCAD 2017) so I had to install 2016. This helped me to a degree but as they say when learning anything it is good to be able to listen and see but to really get it you need to try it as well. So I searched for AutoCAD for MAC and I started off with the AutoCAD 2015 Tutorial series of videos. I was able to get the grid hotkeys in the game from the MS store but in the Steam version even the default Definitive.

You will find a wealth of information with regards to Autodesk products and getting trained up on it. It consists of lots and lots of Youtube videos.